Taking the Long View To Build Enduring Companies
Since 2003, Ridgeview® has helped companies realize their potential. We understand that great companies and value are created over time. Transaction driven investments and short-term strategies do little to serve the long-term strength of a company. We recognize the connection between patient investing, collaboration, stewardship, and growth.
Ridgeview® seeks to work with companies in the western United States, where we live and do business. This allows us to be accessible in our partnerships, and to become colleagues with management. We believe doing business face-to-face is the basis for successful collaborations.
Typically, $2 MM – $8 MM
Majority preferred, but minority positions considered
Flexible, typically 5-10 yrs
Since acquiring Phoenix-based Aspire Design in 2015 and creating the InteriorWorx brand, InteriorWorx has acquired or created eight synergistic partner companies to provide commercial and residential builders with complete interior finish solutions.
Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, Krosswood Doors is a leading manufacturer of high quality, beautiful wood doors that are available across the United States.
Standard Fiber is one of the largest producers of bedding products for North American and international mass-merchant markets.
At Ridgeview®, we pride ourselves in creating partnerships defined by mutual trust, a shared commitment, and open communication. We believe that the best business strategies arise through collaboration.
Let us know how we can achieve greater success together.
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